
Not satisfied with your performance in Board exams? Here’s what you need to do!


Someone very sensible has very rightly said, “Mistakes are a proof that you are trying!” Board examinations in India have a lot of impact on the students- undoubtedly it calls for exam stress, brings it with itself sleepless nights, anxiety and what not. Ask the students who are appearing for the boards as to what are their anxieties, doubts and questions. What will happen in the exam hall? How should I manage my time well? How much will I score in this paper? Will I be able to live up to the expectations of others? Well, there’s no end to such questions ringing in the minds of a Class 10 or Class 12 student. While some of you may have come out with flying colours, some of you may have been not so happy with your performance. But do not get disheartened. Every test in life has something to teach which you can always take forward in life. No, this is not a boring lecture or article on how to stay happy even when you have not performed so well but a very practical one on how to improve your performances in the coming exams.

Review again the previous exam’s question papers to figure out the weak areas:

Sounds boring and I agree, it is definitely one of the biggest challenges to do once you have fought with the question paper in the exam hall. But this step cannot be avoided to understand the mistakes you have made in the exam. You may realise these were repetitive mistakes which you could have avoided had you done this exercise earlier.

Go through your Time Management Plan

There’s likelihood that despite being well-prepared for the exam, your exam did not go well as you fell short of time. Try recalling the sequence in which you answered the questions and if it would make more sense to revise the pattern of writing answers- easy ones over difficult ones or short ones over lengthy ones.

Revise the Syllabus of the Subject for your next exam

Many questions in the books are in the form of summaries or pointers or short notes. Go over the syllabus of the next subject and read the short notes and pointers. These pointers will help you remember and revise better.

How about writing and practicing?

Somehow this has always helped me. Be it writing mathematics theorems or sums that I used to write till the pages of my notebook ran out or a few lengthy answers that I practiced through this way. Writing helps you identify your faults and the points that did not register in your mind very easily. Even if you don’t feel like writing the entire answer to a lengthy question, just jot down the key points that you’d cover in that and what all would you write under each point.

Learn making key points

This is linked to the previous point we just discussed. Am sure you’ll yourself see a difference in your memorizing ability once you start practicing this.

Believe in yourself

This is the most important one to remember. None of the above will work if you yourself don’t have the confidence. Just remember that you are capable of passing the exam. You wouldn’t have been given a place in the class if you didn’t have the ability to do it.

Take a break

As soon as you notice you are losing concentration, take a short break – go for a walk, talk to a friend or just listen to some music. You will feel refreshed and then again concentrate on your revision.

Hope these pointers will help you move in the direction of achieving what you have aimed for. Good luck!


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