Concepts of Physics by H C Verma for JEE

Concepts of Physics by H C Verma for JEE


If you want can only afford just one book for Physics for your preparation of competitive exams, buy HC Verma. HC Verma Concepts of Physics is the best book for JEE preparation, in terms of reading as well as in terms of solving problems.

An all-includive book in itself, H C Verma’s book is tailored for the students of 10+2 level. Besides covering all the topics related to JEE syllabus, it has a number of solved and unsolved problems for students. Numerical exercises have been designed to aid the understanding of concepts by students.

There are two volumes of this book.

Topics Covered in HC Verma Part 1 and Part 2


HC Verma Part 1


HC Verma Part 2

1 Introduction to Physics 23 Heat and Temperature
2 Concepts of Physics and Mathematics 24 Kinetic Theory of Gases
3 Rest and Motion: Kinematics 25 Calorimetry
4 Forces 26 Law of Thermodynamics
5 Newton’s Laws of Motion 27 Specific heat Capacities of gases
6 Friction 28 Heat Transfer
7 Circular Motion 29 Electric Field and Potential
8 Work and Energy 30 Gauss's Law
9 Centre of Mass, Linear Momentum, Collision 31 Capacitors
10 Rotational Mechanics 32 Electric current in conductors
11 Gravitation 33 Thermal and chemical effects of electric current
12 Simple Harmonic Motion 34 Magnetic field
13 Fluid Mechanics 35 Magnetic field due to a current
14 Some Mechanical Properties of Matter 36 Permanent Magnets
15 Wave Motion and Waves on a String 37 Magnetic properties of matter
16 Sound Waves 38 Electromagnetic Induction
17 Light Waves 39 Alternating current
18 Geometrical Optics 40 Electromagnetic Waves
19 Optical Instruments 41 Electric Current through gases
20 Dispersion and Spectra 42 Photoelectric Effect and wave- Particle Duality
21 Speed of Light 43 Bohr's Model and Physics of the Atom
22 Photometry 44 X-rays
    45 Semiconductors and Semiconductor Devices
    46 The Nucleus
    47 The special theory of relativity
View Solutions → Solutions of HC Verma Part 1   Solutions of HC Verma Part 2

At the end of the book, there are two appendices too.

HC Verma is a renowned Nuclear Experimental Physicist and author. With a doctoral degree from IIT Kanour, he worked as a lecturer and reader at the Patna University. His books are ideal for pre-college students as they cover a wide range of topics in an easy-to-understand manner.

The best covered topics in HC Verma Physics books are Mechanics, Electrostatics, Modern Physics, Thermodynamics and Optics. Books by HC Verma cover all the basic concepts of Physics that students preparing for entrance exams need to know about. They also have good illustrations that help to make conceps clear as well as a wide range of problems with varying levels of difficulty.

The only limitation of this HC Verma book is that the theories covered in the book are not well-explained. Also, detailed explanation of questions at the end of each chapter would have made the book better and could be of immense help to students. To some extent, this problem is being addressed online as several websites are offering solution of HC Verma Physics online – for free as well as in paid versions.  At Askiitians, you can request for complete Solutions to HC Verma Part 1 and Solutions to HC Verma Part 2 books.


You can also download Concepts of Physics HC Verma pdf online.

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