Nelkon and Parker Physics is a good book for Wave Optics and Electrostatics, though theory part of Wave Optics could have been explained in greater detail. Besides, the book also covers Atomic Physics well. Parker Physics presents theories in a very good manner and is an excellent book to spark an interest in students for Physics and developing it too.
Parker Physics is an excellent book to develop mathematical skills. Besides clear presentation of concepts, it has easy-to-understand descriptions, diagrams and formulae to aid studies. Physics book by Nelkon and Parker covers both classical and modern physics and includes latest developments in modern physics.
Advanced Level Physics written by Nelkon and Parker is divided into five parts.
Topics covered in the book are:
Circular Motion, Simple Harmonic Motion
Forces in Equilibrium, Forces in Fluids
Further Topics in Mechanics and Fluids
Sources of Energy
Basticity, Molecular Forces, Solid Materials
The Gravitational Field
Electrostatics, The Electric Field
Current Electricity
Magnetic Field and Force on Conductor
Magnetic Fields of Current-Carrying Conductors
Electromagnetic Induction
A.C. Circuits
Geometrical Optics
Lenses, Optical Instruments
Oscillations and Waves
Wave Theory of Light
Interference of Light Waves
Diffraction of Light Waves
Polarisation of Light Waves
Application of Sound Waves
Waves in Sttings and Pipes
Temperature Themometry
Heat and Energy, Heat Capacity, Latent Heat
Gas Laws, Bastics of Thermodynamics
Kinetic Theory of Gases
Transfe of Heat: Conduction and Radiation
Further Topics in Thermal Properties
Electron Motion in Fields, Cathode-Ray Oscilloscope
Semiconductors, Junction Diode, Transistor, Telecommunications
Analogue and Digital Electronics
Photoelectricity, Energy Levels, X-Rays, Wave-Particle Duality
Radioactivity, Nuclear Energy
Answers to Exercises
Students may use this book to clear doubts related to Wave Optics and Electrostatics but they will need other books to practice questions related to very deep concepts.
Students should buy Nelson and Parker Physics as a beginner to really build interest in the subject. The wide range of problem sets have been designed to help students comprehend specific concepts easily and offer them an opportunity to practice as much as possible. At the end of the book, answers to the problems are given to help students.
Nelkon and Parker have also written guides for students who want to practice Physics problems more.
Other Physics books you may want to buy are:
S.L. Loney
V. Zubov & V. Shalnov