BITSAT Rank predictor: A Performance Meter for you!

bitsat 2019
Online BITSAT tests will be conducted from 3rd to Last week of May, 2019 (Tentative). askIITians BITSAT 2019 Rank Predictor tool can help you to predict your rank in the exam. This tool, designed by askIITians experts, predicts BITSAT ranks on the basis of previous years’ cutoff marks and opening and closing ranks, as well as relative performance of engineering aspirants using this tool.

BITSAT 2019 Rank Predictor has been introduced by askIITians as a response to one of the most common questions of our students – ‘What will be my BITSAT 2019 Expected Rank.? Last year, this tool proved to be quite accurate and hence, we were encouraged to improvise it and introduce it as BITSAT 2019 Rank Estimator once again. askIITians BITSAT 2019 Rank Calculator takes several parameters into account while calculating the ranks such as:

  • Scores of students in various BITSAT papers they take,

  • BITSAT cutoff scores of previous years, and

Check out BITSAT cutoffs of last six years!

BITSAT Rank Estimate

Rank Range

Corresponding BITSAT Marks

1 to 200

400 to 450

200 to 1,400

350 to 400

1,400 to 6,000

300 to 350

6,000 to 18,000

250 to 300

18,000 to 21,000

240 to 250

21,000 to 27,000

225 to 240

Candidates scoring less than 225 marks in BITSAT may not get admission in any of the BITS campuses. Usually, the cutoff is highest for the Computer Science course in BITS Pilani which went as high as 382 last year.

Besides BITSAT 2019 Rank Analysis, this tool also tells you about the courses in all the three campuses of BITS, Pilani where you might get admission on the basis of your performance. Students are invited to use BITSAT 2019 Rank Meter tool as many times as they like. They can use it after each and every BITSAT paper they take. The test scores and the rank predicted by the tool can be used to measure your performance.

Click here to access BITSAT Study Material and BITSAT Revision Notes.