The Pearson Guide to Inorganic Chemistry for the JEE/ISEET 1st Edition

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Topics covered in the book are:

1. Chemical Bonding
2. Periodic Properties
3. Preparation and Properties of Non-metals
4. Compounds of Lighter Metals - 1
5. Compounds of P-block Elements - 1
6. Compounds of P-block Elements - 2
7. Transition Elements and Coordination Chemistry
8. Metallurgy
9. Compounds of Heavy Metals
10. Principles of Qualitative Analysis
11. Appendix

Solved Question Papers 2011
Solved Question Papers 2010

The Pearson Guide to Inorganic Chemistry for the JEE/ISEET 1st Edition by AtulSinghal, is trictly based on the latest IIT syllabus recommended by the JEE curriculum. It covers inorganic chemistry in a highly controlled and planned way and familiarizes the students with the basic know-hows very clearly. It provides the class-tested course material and problems that will supplement any kind of coaching or resource the students might be using. Since this book has got a very comprehensive and in-depth methodology, it is especially helpful for those students who do not have enough time or resources to take classroom coaching.

Pearson Inorganic Chemistrypresents the entire subject in a highly structured and useful manner so as to acquaint the candidates taking the JEE examinations with the current trends and types of multiple-choice questions being asked.

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