JEE Mains Papers: Practice and Preparation for Perfect Scores!

JEE Mains Papers: Practice and Preparation for Perfect Scores!

The best way to get familiar with JEE Mains paper pattern is to solve sample papers for the exam as well as go through previous years’ question papers for the entrance exam.

Recently, an important discussion was underway about JEE Mains paper. The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) was planning to conduct JEE Mains twice in 2018 – once in February and again in April. Engineering aspirants would be allowed to take both the exams and the best score of the two can be used for ranking students for the next step in admission procedure. The CBSE reasoned that this would give students a second chance to improve their scores in JEE Mains and make it to JEE Advanced. The proposal to that effect was put on the table at a meeting of the Joint Entrance Examination Apex body on September 17, 2017.

However, there were technical problems inherent in the proposal. February JEE Mains exam would clash with the board exams of students. Besides, students of boards other than CBSE, will have to separately prepare for portions of the CBSE syllabus for the first of the JEE Mains twin tests. The CBSE assured that it would make sure that the date of the JEE Mains exam does not clash with any board exam in India but the pressure of an extra exam can prove too much for many students.

Thus, the IIT apex body down the CBSE’s proposal and decided that the JEE Mains paper pattern will remain as it is for the next year. This came as a relief to IIT aspirants, who already have three types of exams to prepare for – board exams, JEE Mains and JEE Advanced. However, aspirants of other institutes such as NITs and IIITs lost out an opportunity to get second chance and improve their scores.

Languages in which you can attempt JEE Main 2018

JEE Mains 2018 will be conducted in:

  • English,

  • Hindi, and

  • Gujarati (only in the state of Gujarat).

Candidates have to indicate their preference of language while filing up the application form. Their choice of language cannot be changed later.

JEE Mains Sample Papers

JEE Mains Sample Papers

Below you will find JEE Mains model papers that have been developed by a team of experts, which includes IIT professors as well as ex-IITians.

Our JEE Mains 2018 sample papers are a result of extremely detailed analysis of previous years’ question papers. They include various types of questions on all the topics and sub-topics of JEE Main syllabus with focus on key areas identified as ‘most important’ for the exam. Our sample papers are also commensurate with the latest JEE Mains pattern.

Students are advised to attempt a sample paper first and then, check their answers with the help of sample papers with solutions. Our JEE Mains model papers with answers have detailed step-by-step explanation of how one can arrive at the solution of a question.

JEE Mains Sample Paper 1                                JEE Mains Sample Paper 1 with solutions

JEE Mains Sample Paper 2                                JEE Mains Sample Paper 2 with solutions

For more previous year papers                       Download Previous Year IIT JEE Papers

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