If f(x) > 0 for all x ∈ [a, b]; then ∫ba f(x) is numerically equal to the area bounded by the curve y = f(x), then x-axis and the straight lines x = a and x = b i.e. ∫ba f(x)
In general ∫ba f(x) dx represents to algebraic sum of the figures bounded by the curve
y = f(x), the x-axis and the straight line x = a and x = b. The areas above x-axis are taken place plus sign and the areas below x-axis are taken with minus sign i.e,
i.e. ∫ba f(x) dx area OLA – area AQM – area MRB + area BSCD
Note: ∫ba f(x) dx, represents algebraic sum of areas means, that if area of function y = f(x)
is asked between a to b.
=> Area bounded = ∫ba |f(x)|dx and not been represented by ∫ba f(x) dx
e.g., If some one asks the area of y = x3 between -1 to 1.
Then y = x3 could be plotted as;
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