
the plane surfaces of two sheets of different metals are kept in contact with each other.the thicknesses of sheets are 2.5 and 3 cm respectively and the ratio of thermal conductivities in the same order is 5:6.if the outer surfaces of the sheets are at constant temperature of 100 and 0 degree Celsius respectively, then calculate the temperature of interface

the plane surfaces of two sheets of different metals are kept in contact with each other.the thicknesses of sheets are 2.5 and 3 cm respectively and the ratio of thermal conductivities in the same order is 5:6.if the outer surfaces of the sheets are at constant temperature of 100 and 0 degree Celsius respectively, then calculate the temperature of interface


1 Answers

askIITians Faculty 56 Points
3 years ago
dear student,
follow the attached answer.
611-841_Annotation 2020-07-16 195624.png611-1955_Annotation 2020-07-16 195720.png

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