
Aquatic species are more comfortable in cold waters rather than in warm water. Give reason

Aquatic species are more comfortable in cold waters rather than in warm water. Give

Grade:upto college level

5 Answers

Anjali Ahuja
askIITians Faculty 234 Points
9 years ago
Hi student
As oxygen is more soluble in cold water in comparision to hot water and thats what the reason is that aquatic animals are more comfortable in cold water.
11 Points
7 years ago
According to Henry law,the solubility of a gas is dependent on the partial pressure of gas above the liquid multiplied by Henry constant.....Thus it is known that as temperature increases..... The Henry constant is decreased leading to less solubility of oxygen in water leading to discomfort in warm aquatic species are more comfortable in cold water. Regards.....
19 Points
7 years ago
Cold water is an exothermic reaction and when the temperature increases the solubility also increases so ,
Mahima Jha
11 Points
7 years ago
Oxygen is more soluble in cold water as compare to hot one. Increase in temperature leads to decrease in solubility
Akash gahoi
21 Points
6 years ago
Warm water speeds up the animals` metabolic need for oxygen to such an extent that it causes them to suffer from fatal respiratory distress. A team of ecologists from Radboud University and Cardiff University published this finding in Global Change Biology.

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