
Sir My son has scored 199 in JEE Main and in Andhra Pradesh State 12 th board 95% in the current year. We belong to general category. What will be his likely rank & what top 8 Nits & what branches in core segment we can expect. Regards PT Kumar

 My son has scored 199 in JEE Main and in Andhra Pradesh State 12th board 95% in the current year. We belong to general category. What will be his likely rank & what top 8 Nits & what branches in core segment we can expect.
 PT Kumar


1 Answers

Arun Kumar IIT Delhi
askIITians Faculty 256 Points
10 years ago
You can expect rank in between 5000-10000.
With that you can easily get any top NITs.
Thanks & Regards
Arun Kumar
Btech, IIT Delhi
Askiitians Faculty

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