
What are the minimum marks out of 468 Required In the FIITJEE’s Big Bang Edge Test to get a 100% scholarship(I mean the highest possible scholarship) , I am Studying in 11 th

What are the minimum marks out of 468 Required In the FIITJEE’s Big Bang Edge Test to get a 100% scholarship(I mean the highest possible scholarship), I am Studying in 11th


1 Answers

Harshit Singh
askIITians Faculty 5963 Points
3 years ago
Dear Student

There are no specied marks at which you’ll get maximum scholarship. It all depends on folllowing parameters:
1. Difficulty level of paper
2. No and variety of students

If the paper is easy, You’ll have to be more accurate and attempt most of the questions i order to get to your goal and if paper is easy, You have to attempt questions wisely and maintain accuracy at the same time.


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