Flag IIT JEE Entrance Exam> SSC CGL and Bank PO: Which Exam is easy a...
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SSC CGL and Bank PO:Which Exam is easy and better ? Both exams have different difficulty level and pattern. Its depend upon the person, his or her preparation and motivation to qualify the exam.In Bank PO, the competitors will be graduates and post graduates, mostly engineers. Once you join a Bank, you're overburdened with your job related work. Bank PO demands basic knowledge of subjects plus just last three to six months general awareness whereas CGL covers way too large course plus the general knowledge here is also tough.More about exam explore from Unoreads : Government e learning Websites

unoreads , 3 Years ago
Grade 12th pass
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Last Activity: 3 Years ago

Different examinationsSSC ExamsEvery year, the Staff Selection Commission (SSC) recruits staff to various posts in departments, ministries and organisations under the Government of India.Given below is the list of online exams conducted by SSC yearly:SSC GDSSC CGLSSC CHSLSSC JESSC CPOSSC MTSSSC StenographerSSC CGL (Staff Selection Commission, Combined Graduate Level) is the biggest Government Job recruitment exam conducted in India. The SSC conducts CGL exam for various government posts such as Central Secretariat Service, CAG, Exercise Inspector, Statistical Investigator, Central Vigilance Commission, AO, Intelligence Bureau, Ministry of Railways/ Defence/ External Affairs, CBI and a few others Ministries.SSC CGL is purely a government job. On the other hand, SBI and different banks recruit numerous aspirants each year through various SBI exams or IBPS exams for a variety of posts. The number of job vacancies in banks is much higher as compared to vacancies in SSC CGL. 

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