
I’ve posted the following question already, but I didn’t get the answer I wanted. “ I am an OCI (Overseas Citizen of India) and I have a doubt whether I am able to obtain a seat at the IITs? I've checked the bulletin released JEE MAIN website and it says, "OCI/PIO/Foreign candidates are not eligible for admission to NITs, IIITs, CFTIs through JEE (Main) Channel)". I have also read online that IITs come under CFTIs. Please specify whether I am eligible for admission to IITs, and if I am able to write JEE Advanced. Also, is there any quota under supernumerary seats for OCIs?” – --Please tell me if I can get into IITs through JEE advanced

I’ve posted the following question already, but I didn’t get the answer I wanted. “I am an OCI (Overseas Citizen of India) and I have a doubt whether I am able to obtain a seat at the IITs? I've checked the bulletin released JEE MAIN website and it says, "OCI/PIO/Foreign candidates are not eligible for admission to NITs, IIITs, CFTIs through JEE (Main) Channel)". I have also read online that IITs come under CFTIs. Please specify whether I am eligible for admission to IITs, and if I am able to write JEE Advanced. Also, is there any quota under supernumerary seats for OCIs?” –
--Please tell me if I can get into IITs through JEE advanced


2 Answers

Aziz Alam IIT Roorkee
askIITians Faculty 232 Points
9 years ago
AIEEE is now JEE Main and JEE Advanced.

JEE Main is for admissions to NITs, IIITs and other centrally funded technical institutions, and institutions funded by several participating State Governments etc.
JEE Advanced is for admissions to IITs.

JEE Main: OCI/PIO candidates are eligible to appear for JEE Main.
Only foreign candidates who are not OCI or PIO are not eligible to appear.

JEE Advanced: The bulletin doesn't explicitly mention or include OCI/PIO card holders. In order to appear for JEE Advanced, candidate has to qualify in Paper 1 of JEE Main and OCI/PIO holders aren't barred from JEE Main. Hence we can presume that OCI/PIO are also eligible to appear for JEE Advanced. See page 4 of the
askIITians Faculty 69 Points
9 years ago
JEE-Advanced:Candidates who are NOT citizens of India at the time of registering for JEE (Advanced) [that is for IIT’s only] 2015 (by birth or naturalized) are treated as foreign nationals. Seats allotted to foreign nationals are supernumerary. However, not all Institutes may have supernumerary seats. The availability of supernumerary seats will be announced at the time of seat allocation.

JEE Mains states that foreign nationals are not allowed admission to CFTI’s through JEE Mains channel.

Though it has not been explicitly mentioned as to what admission policy will be followed for foreign nationals seeking admission to CFTI’s(including IIT’s), the statements in the JEE advanced and JEE Mains brochure in context to the admission of foreign nationals to these institutes can be comprehended as -
JEE Mains has to be cleared by the candidate attempting the exam and secure a merit to qualify for attempting JEE Advanced. If they secure a good rank, then IIT’s will consider the foreign nationals for their seats, details of which will be declared by IIT senate as supernumerary seats.(As they are autonomous institutes funded by GOI)

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