
What type of isomerism is possible in pentaamminenitrocobalt(II)chloride? a) linkage b) optical c) position d) ionisation

What type of isomerism is possible in pentaamminenitrocobalt(II)chloride?
a) linkage b) optical c) position d) ionisation


2 Answers

Saurabh Koranglekar
askIITians Faculty 10335 Points
3 years ago
Pentaaminenitrocobalt(III)chloride exhibits linkage isomerism.
Linkage isomers are coordination compounds that have the same composition but differ in the connectivity of the ligand to the metal.

Answer is linkage
Vikas TU
14149 Points
3 years ago
Pentaaminenitrocobalt (III) chloride exhibits linkage isomerism. Linkage isomers are coordination compounds that have the same composition but differ in the connectivity of the ligand to the metal. Hence option B is correct

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