
thanks sir for clearing my previous doubts. heres another que. how will we find the net dipole moment a system if +q,+2q, -q charges are placed in the virtices of n equilateral triangle.

thanks sir for clearing my previous doubts. heres another que. how will we find the net dipole moment a system if +q,+2q, -q charges are placed in the virtices of n equilateral triangle.


1 Answers

AKASH GOYAL AskiitiansExpert-IITD
420 Points
13 years ago

Dear Ashutosh

Just assume +2q charge as made up of two charges +q and +q and placed at the same vertex. so now there are two dipoles with +q and -q charges. now calculate dipole moment as q x side of triangle for each dipole. remember dipole moment is vector quantity with direction from -q to +q. then add them vectorially.

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 All the best.                                                          


AskiitiansExpert-IIT Delhi


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