
Hi ! I am Purna. I am very interested in mathematics and sciences so i decided to crack JEE. I am in a liitle confusion. I live in Hyderabad. I want to do my 11 th and 12 th class in a CBSE affiliated school and take coaching for JEE. I am planning to join Aakash institute. But i also have dilemma with FIITJEE. FIITJEE offers only an integrated school program here (Pinnacle), which is affiliated to state board. students have to mug up the things for state board. I dont like that. so I am still in a dilemma. Is Aakash better or FIITJEE in the above circumstances. Please Help me OUT

Hi ! I am Purna. I am very interested in mathematics and sciences so i decided to crack JEE. I am in a liitle confusion. I live in Hyderabad. I want to do my 11th and 12th class in a CBSE affiliated school and take coaching for JEE. I am planning to join Aakash institute. But i also have dilemma with FIITJEE. FIITJEE offers only an integrated school program here (Pinnacle),  which is affiliated to state board. students have to mug up the things for state board. I dont like that. so I am still in a dilemma. Is Aakash better or FIITJEE in the above circumstances. Please Help me OUT


1 Answers

15 Points
6 years ago
See you should decide by looking each and everything you can`t miss match anything that you haven`t taken this this you have to see each and every section then you text you should take decision so now I want to say that you should join FIITJEE but not as an integrated school because integrated school is for those who who are fully confident that they can crack IIT JEE with a good rank I am not telling that you can`t but if I say that you have to fight with someone you are not run and someone is train who will going to be the one which has trained so what I mean to say that that decide by your level not by your ego so I am suggesting that for slim look for a good rank in 12th because if you`re not if you`re not able to crack IIT JEE then there will be certain options for you for foreign colleges and much more so it would be a better chance to join CBSE along with FIITJEE why I`m telling FIITJEE more time because I compare both materials both facilities then I got to the point that personally Akash have less competition in their students who are preparing for IIT JEE as compared to FIITJEE because FIITJEE has at least 10000 students each and every year for 12th IIT JEE preparation so they get more competition and they get their rank more efficient and more effective specially in a aits. As compared to Akash and their packages also good as they are bit more experienced and so they have more good idea which question is going to ask so there put it that have a question please paper printed like comes in exam of JEE mains special so I hope you will understand what I mean to say if you have any other doubt then you can contact me via WhatsApp my WhatsApp number is 95255700 97

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