
Can anyone tell me a good books for Numerical Chemistry which is a must for JEE Preparation?!

Can anyone tell me a good books for Numerical Chemistry which is a must for JEE Preparation?!


2 Answers

Vasantha Kumari
askIITians Faculty 38 Points
10 years ago
The following books would be ideal for JEE Preparation(Numerical Chemistry)
1.Numerical Chemistry byP.Bahadur
Good for numerical problems
Chemical Equilibrium and Ionic Equilibrium
IIT JEE Advanced and JEE Mains
2.Numerical Chemistry byDr.O.P Agarwal, Deepak Agarwal---Disha Publication
Good for numerical problems/problem solving
IIT JEE and Engineering Entrance Exams

Thanks & Regards,

Vasantha Sivaraj,

askIITians faculty.

Harsh davda
41 Points
10 years ago
P.Bahadur is also good..

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