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Hello Sir

My rank in aieee air is 8677(gen cat.) i got nit rourkela chemical in first round of seat allotment(opton no. 33) whereas nit durgapur electrical engg(option no.25). in second round of seat allotment sir is there any chance of improvement in nit through my rank in next round of seat allotment. i am also hopeful of getting jadavpur university (west bengal)wbjee rank is 383 while i have been placed in the waiting list of bits (bitsat score is 287)  iam not getting  any of the nits as per last year opening ang closing rank.Help me  please...................................................... 

Shubhendra Saha , 15 Years ago
Grade 12
anser 1 Answers
AskiitianExpert Shine

Last Activity: 15 Years ago


One can never be sure if u ll get a better branch inthe next counselling or not , but there' s always a possibility and hopefully seats could be vacated due to opening up of admission to BITS and many top students might opt out of the NITs and go for BITS Pilani. I ll suggest u to keep trying fr a better branch in a better NIT than going for Jadavpur University WB .

NITs have got a status in India and good past records. The last yrs opening and closing ranks do fluctuate and cannot confirm u about the exact current trend. So, go for the further counselling n keep trying.

Best of Luck!

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