
hi! i want know about any possibity of change of banch on basis of performance

hi! i want know about any possibity of  change  of banch on basis of performance 


2 Answers

Anshul Verma
64 Points
14 years ago

Hi Abhi ,


One can change his branch after first year it is subject to two things .


1 : Your CGPA in first two semester 

2: the availability of seats in the desired branch .


Thus there are seats vacant in the branch of your choice and you have got the highest marks amongst the ones who have applied for branch change for same stream you wud be given a chance else not .


Feel free to post as many as doubts you have we wud be hapyp to help.


all the best !!!



Anshul Verma
64 Points
14 years ago
Hi Abhi , One can change his branch after first year it is subject to two things . 1 : Your CGPA in first two semester 2: the availability of seats in the desired branch . Thus there are seats vacant in the branch of your choice and you have got the highest marks amongst the ones who have applied for branch change for same stream you wud be given a chance else not . Feel free to post as many as doubts you have we wud be hapyp to help. all the best !!! Anshul

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