
What is the role of NCERT books in preparation of IITJEE?Which books,in your opinion,I should prefer?

What is the role of NCERT books in preparation of IITJEE?Which books,in your opinion,I should prefer?


1 Answers

Kishore IIT Bombay
48 Points
14 years ago

Dear Himanshu Gupta,

                                     yes there is a lot of good role of NCERT books in IIT as well in AIEEE...the following books for JEEpreparation,

Chemistry: books from Arihant Publication, IIT Chemistry by O.P. Aggarwal
Physics: H.C.Verma, Resnik and Halliday
Math: K.C.Sinha , M.L.Khanna
Coordinate Geometry: S.L.Loney
Guides for IIT- Tata McGrow Hill Publication
MCQ Maths: Das Gupta
Guides and helps books of Arihant Publication, Dinesh Publications and MTG- Publication are very good and highly recommended for IIT JEE
Best Theory books for Physics: hc verma and pradeep

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kishore-IIT Bombay

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