
which is major sorce of energy for body? carbohydrates or lipids? bcz lipids stores double amount of energy then carbohydrates so does they also provide more energy then carbohydrates or not?

which is major sorce of energy for body?
carbohydrates or lipids?
bcz lipids stores double amount of energy then carbohydrates so does they also provide more energy then carbohydrates or not?

Grade:12th pass

2 Answers

askIITians Faculty 873 Points
5 years ago
There are 3 sources of calories (or energy), which are also known as macronutrients:carbohydrates, protein, andfat. Of these three,carbohydratesare the body's preferred source of energy.Carbohydratesbreak down intoglucose, which is an immediate source of energy especially for the brain and muscles.
devashish chauhan
14 Points
5 years ago
carbohydrate is preferred as source of energy. lipid may give double the amount of energy carbohydrate give,outside the cell but inside the cell much of the energy is lost in the form of heat and thus give energy equal to that of carbohydrate. carbohydrate is more widely available inside the cell than lipids 

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