
What is actually a chromosome and gene ? How does a sperm in male travel to ova inside the female body ? (how does it fuse)

What is actually a chromosome and gene ?

How does a sperm in male travel to ova inside the female body ?
(how does it fuse)


2 Answers

Vasanth SR
askIITians Faculty 1335 Points
2 years ago
A structure is found inside the nucleus of a cell.A chromosome is made up of proteins and DNA organized into genes. Each cell normally contains 23 pairs of chromosomes.

The basic unit of heredity occupies a specific location on a chromosome. Each consists of nucleotides arranged in a linear manner. Most genes code for a specific protein or segment of protein leading to a particular characteristic or function.
Vasanth SR
askIITians Faculty 1335 Points
2 years ago

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