
a pregnant woman, who has done amniocentesis test, find an extra barr body in her embryo. the syndrome which is likely to be associated with embryo is Edward’s syndrome down’s syndrome klinefelter’s syndrome patau’s syndrome

a pregnant woman, who has done amniocentesis test, find an extra barr body in her embryo. the syndrome which is likely to be associated with embryo is
  1. Edward’s syndrome
  2. down’s syndrome
  3. klinefelter’s syndrome
  4. patau’s syndrome

Grade:12th pass

1 Answers

Apoorva Arora IIT Roorkee
askIITians Faculty 181 Points
9 years ago
Klinefelter syndromeis the set of symptoms resulting from additional X genetic material in males. Also known as47,XXYorXXY, Klinefelter syndrome is agenetic disorderin which there is at least one extraX chromosometo a standard human malekaryotype, for a total of 47chromosomesrather than the 46 found in genetically typical humans.

So an extra sex chromosome means an extra barr body. hence option 3 is correct.

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