
a sine wave is travelling in a medium the minimum distance between the two particles always having same speed is Answer is (lamda)/2 Please explain the answer

a sine wave is travelling in a medium the minimum distance between the two particles always having same speed is

Answer is (lamda)/2
Please explain the answer


2 Answers

Sumit Majumdar IIT Delhi
askIITians Faculty 137 Points
10 years ago

Hello student,

A sine wave has a maxima and a minima. The speed at the maximum and the minimum points are the same though the direction of motions are different. The difference between the positions of maxima and minima is equal to half of wavelength These positions are the antinodes.

Similarly the speed is equal to a maximum when the particle is at the nodes.

Thanks & Regards
Sumit Majumdar, 
askIITians Faculty
Ph.D, IIT Delhi

Rishi Sharma
askIITians Faculty 646 Points
4 years ago
Dear Student,
Please find below the solution to your problem.

A sine wave has a maxima and a minima.
The speed at the maximum and the minimum points are the same though the direction of motions are different.
The difference between the positions of maxima and minima is equal to half of wavelength
These positions are the antinodes.
Similarly the speed is equal to a maximum when the particle is at the nodes.

Thanks and Regards

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