
Wat Shud be the solution Pls find the attachment Pls reply fast Tysm fr all the help

Wat Shud be the solution 
Pls find the attachment
Pls reply fast
Tysm fr all the help

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2 Answers

Vikas TU
14149 Points
8 years ago
let k = cos@ + cos(@ + pi) + cos(@ + 2pi) + cos(@ + 3pi) + ….............+ cos(@ + 20pi)
       = cos@ - cos(@) + cos(@) - cos(@) + ….............+ cos(@ + 20pi)
       = 0 + 0 + 0 +........ + cos@
       = cos@
should be the answer.
16 Points
8 years ago
cos(A+Npi)+ cos(A+2Npi)=0 (where N belongs to integer) since upon solving series we get cosA as answer

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