
the minimum value of 27 tan^2 theta + 3 cot^2 theta is

the minimum value of 27 tan^2 theta + 3 cot^2 theta is


2 Answers

Nishant Vora IIT Patna
askIITians Faculty 2467 Points
9 years ago
Hello student,

You can use the concept of AM >= GM to solve this
take numbers as tan^2theta,tan^2theta,tan^2theta….27 times and cot^2theta,cot^2theta,cot^2theta

So we will get
[27 tan^2 theta + 3 cot^2 theta]/ 30 >= {27tan^2 theta* 3 cot^2 theta}1/2
27 tan^2 theta + 3 cot^2 theta >= 9 * 30
11 Points
6 years ago
This answer is totally wrong.. We will divide the numbers by 2 in A.M., not by 30.
So correct answer will be 18.

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