
solve for x cos x +cos y +cos(x+y) = -3/2 please explain step by step as i am a begineer .please try to answer asap?

solve for x
cos x +cos y +cos(x+y) = -3/2
please explain step by step as i am a begineer .please try to answer asap?


2 Answers

Jitender Singh IIT Delhi
askIITians Faculty 158 Points
10 years ago
Your question seems to be incomplete.
What is y. Is it variable or constant?
If it is variable, then you need to specify the relation b/w x & y.
After that, you can simply open the
cos(x+y) = cosx.cosy - sinxsiny
And then put y in x form.
Then solve for x.
22 Points
10 years ago
sir y is a variable
and we need to solve it not only for x but for y also please help?

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