
if (cos^2 x +1/(cos^2 x))(1+tan^2 y)(3+sin3 z)=4; then y can take values equal to

if (cos^2 x +1/(cos^2 x))(1+tan^2 y)(3+sin3 z)=4; then y can take values equal to


2 Answers

Saurabh Koranglekar
askIITians Faculty 10335 Points
5 years ago
Dear student

more conditions are required to answer
Aryan Mudgal
13 Points
4 years ago
Am>=gm ​ 
Cos^2 x +1/cos^2 x >=2 
Now minimum value of cos^2 x + 1/cos^2 x will 
Be 2 
Also -1
So minimum value of sin3z +3 is 2 now as 
Whole multiplication is equal to 4 
1+ tan^2 2y has to be = 1 so
Tan^2 2y =0 
Tan 2y=0
So 2y= 0,180 ....
So y=0,90 ....

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