Flag Top Engineering Colleges in India> Dear sir, I am gulf (Muscat) NRI student ...
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Dear sir, I am gulf (Muscat) NRI student appearing CBSE 12th in March 2015, interested in B.Tech Mechanical Eng or ECE. As both or my areas of interest which one you advise in terms of future demand.
I am planning to do UG In good NIT in India and PG in US. I am also considering the option of doing UG directly in US and looking for employment in US. 
Which option should I go, Please advise me based on the merits of these options.
you may also suggest any further option if you feel so.

Ponmithiran Kannan , 10 Years ago
Grade 11
anser 1 Answers

Last Activity: 10 Years ago

The scope of both Mech and ECE are almost same. It is better to select the branch depending only on your interest. Both the options are good but it is better do UG also in US, which will be more beneficial to you. If you do UG in IIT then you are eligible to do the Ph.D directly in US withiut any entrance test which will be the best option.

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