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sir i wud lyk 2 know whether placements are good or not in NSIT delhi.............

wat will u advice for colleges throuh AIEEE other than nit's.......

also can u plz give me a detail of marks vs ranking of aieee in 2009....

Shashank Singh , 14 Years ago
Grade Upto college level
anser 1 Answers
AskiitianExpert Pramod-IIT-R

Last Activity: 14 Years ago

Dear Mr. Singh;

 Yes ,NSIT college is good and placement was also above average. but the avearge salary of this college is lower than top NIT's. You should not compare placement of 2009 & 2008 because Global market was down at that time. and still India is recovering from this. NSIT is good college. but college campus is small as compared to NIT. faciulities are very less. And this do not have a brand value like IIT amd NIT tag. the opening and closing rank of AIEEE as following:


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