
hi. sir plz tell me how is bio tech of bit mesra, bio tech.. and i have the other option of BMS bangalore... ECE.. which one should i prefer.. if i dont want to go out of india for my carrer..

hi. sir plz tell me how is bio tech of bit mesra, bio tech.. and i have the other option of BMS bangalore... ECE.. which one should i prefer.. if i dont want to go out of india for my carrer..


1 Answers

AskiitianExpert Shine
10 Points
15 years ago


BIt Mesra is a very good college , but i wont rate its biotech degree as one of the best. There are many other institutes that are better in Biotech as compared to BIT Mesra.

Also, since u are nt at all interested in going for a career abroad , u should know that India has still nt gt much boom in Biotech and at present there are nt much good jobs available fr Biotechies in India. So, i wud suggest u to think once and make a decision.. ECE has gt much better scope in India as compared to Biotech although BITS Mesra is a much better college than Bangalore. I wud suggest u to make a proper balance between the branch and the college.

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