
What is thermal velocity???

What is thermal velocity???


3 Answers

Charchit Tailong
askIITians Faculty 147 Points
9 years ago
Thethermal velocityorthermalspeed is a typicalvelocityof thethermalmotion of particles which make up a gas, liquid, etc. Thus, indirectly,thermal velocityis a measure of temperature. Technically speaking it is a measure of the width of the peak in the Maxwell–Boltzmann particlevelocitydistribution.
Charchit Tailong
askIITians Faculty 147 Points
9 years ago
Thethermal velocityorthermalspeed is a typicalvelocityof thethermalmotion of particles which make up a gas, liquid, etc. Thus, indirectly,thermal velocityis a measure of temperature. Technically speaking it is a measure of the width of the peak in the Maxwell–Boltzmann particlevelocitydistribution.
Charchit Tailong
askIITians Faculty 147 Points
9 years ago
Thethermal velocityorthermalspeed is a typicalvelocityof thethermalmotion of particles which make up a gas, liquid, etc. Thus, indirectly,thermal velocityis a measure of temperature. Technically speaking it is a measure of the width of the peak in the Maxwell–Boltzmann particlevelocitydistribution.

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