
Can heat energy be transferred through matter by radiation? If so,give an example. If not,explain.why

Can heat energy be transferred through matter by radiation? If so,give an example. If not,explain.why

Grade:12th pass

2 Answers

118 Points
4 years ago
heat energy can be transfered through matter by radiation,the heat energy is transfered  in the form of electromagnetic waves.these waves cannot carry matter but can pass through it........radiation is defined as the  process of emmision of energy as electromagnetic waves eg . the  heat energy from the sun which  is millions  of kilometers away is  received by humans  through thermal radiation  which passes through matter.
Vikas TU
14149 Points
4 years ago
Yes, heat energy can be transferred through matter by radiation. Radiation is that process of transmission of heat in which heat travels from one point to another in the form of electromagnetic waves with velocity of light, without heating the intervening medium. They do not require any material medium for their propagation. Heat energy is carried from the Sun to us by electromagnetic waves that travel freely through the near vacuum of the intervening space. So heat energy will be in the form of electromagnetic waves but the wave does not carry matter. That is why heat energy can be transferred through matter by radiation.

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