
) A rod of length l with thermally insulated lateral surface consists of material whose heat conductivity Coefficient varies with temperature as k=?/T, where a is a constant. The ends of the rod are kept at Temperatures T1 and T2. Find the function T(x), where x is the distance from the end whose temperature is T1, and the heat flow density.

) A rod of length l with thermally insulated lateral surface consists of material whose heat conductivity Coefficient varies with temperature as k=?/T, where a is a constant. The ends of the rod are kept at Temperatures T1 and T2. Find the function T(x), where x is the distance from the end whose temperature is T1, and the heat flow density.


2 Answers

Abhishek Kumar
askIITians Faculty 255 Points
9 years ago
At steady state,
Temperature of all section of the rod becomes constant.
kA\Delta T/\Delta x = constant for all cross-section.
Solve it.
raj razi
31 Points
9 years ago
from  fourier law of heat conduction we can solve this.

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