Flag Thermal Physics> A metallic wire of length L is fixed betw...
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A metallic wire of length L is fixed between two rigid supports. If the wire is cooled through a temperature difference ∆T (Y = young's modulus, p density, a coefficients of linear expansion) then the frequency of transverse vibration is proportional to

Sahil Bhardwaj , 5 Years ago
Grade 12th pass
anser 1 Answers
Vikas TU

Last Activity: 5 Years ago

Dear student Tension in the string is developed in the wire the compression due to cooling is balanced by the expansion due tension generated Thus FL/AY = Lalpha * delT F = YAalpha *delT frequency of viberation = f = 1/2L (sqrt (F/mew)f is directly proportional to (sqrt (YAalpha * delT ) )row *A*L = mew*Lf is directly proportional to sqrt (Y *alpha / row)

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