
A sealed container with negligible coefficient of volumetric expansion contains helium When it is heated from 300K to 600K the average KE of helium atom is

A sealed container with negligible coefficient of volumetric expansion contains helium When it is heated from 300K to 600K the average KE of helium atom is


2 Answers

Badiuddin askIITians.ismu Expert
148 Points
14 years ago

Dear pallvi

Average K.E of a molecule is given as

K.E =3/2 kT

chenge in K.E  = 3/2 kT - 3/2kT1

=3/2k (T - T1)

=3/2 * 1.38 * 10-23 ( 600 -300)

=6.21 * 10-21  J

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Abhinav M
11 Points
6 years ago
The answer its doubled as KE is directly proportional to T . ie. =3/2xKTAs the KE here is directly proprtinal to Temperature a change in temperature will effect change in KE linearly Hope u got ur answer!

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