
Water is flowing in a pipe with a circular cross section but with varying cross-section area ,and at all points the water completely fills the pipe. At a second point in the pipe the water speed is 3.80m/s. What is the radius of the pipe at this point? PLEASE GIVE PROCESS

Water is flowing in a pipe with a circular cross section but with varying
cross-section area ,and at all points the water completely fills the pipe.
At a second point in the pipe the water speed is 3.80m/s. What is the
radius of the pipe at this point?



1 Answers

35 Points
10 years ago
the pipe have different cross section areas so we can find the radius in the way of v=x/t we know the time at particular position and speed we get how much distance it traveled . at the same time ... we know the formula area =length of pipe *v.dt......pr2=length *v.dt then we get the radius of pipe at instant point

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