
In the given diagram electronic transition is shown for the H-atom. the transition of electron takes place from 4 th to 1 st orbit in all the possible ways. In the given transition max wavelength is : (1) (2) (3) (4)

In the given diagram electronic transition is shown for the H-atom.

Image not present

the transition of electron takes place from 4th to 1st orbit in all the possible ways.

In the given transition max wavelength is :

(1) Image not present
(2) Image not present
(3) Image not present
(4) Image not present


1 Answers

Sunil Kumar FP
askIITians Faculty 183 Points
9 years ago
the relation between the electronic transition interms of wavelength is given by
1/lambda =Rh*Z^2(1/n1^2 -1/n2^2)
for the hydrogen atom the atomic number is 1
therefore the wavelength will be maximum when n1 and n2 maximum
n2 max=5 and n1 mx=4
1/lambda =Rh(1/16 -1/25)
lambda =25*16/9)*Rh

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