
why proton have differnt charge to mass ratio for different gases?

why proton have differnt charge to mass ratio for different gases?


5 Answers

Vikas TU
14149 Points
11 years ago

Bcoz they have different no. of protons!


Prajwal kr
49 Points
11 years ago

When they mean proton, they actually mean an atom which has lost a few electrons. Now, different gases even after losing a few electrons continue to possess their respective atomic mass whcih depends on the nucleons. Thus different gases have different atomic mass, leading to different charge to mass ratios.

Bevkoof Singh
43 Points
11 years ago

since every element has it s own atomic mass so their proton also contain particular mass rather than other proton of other atoms so therefore there ratio regarding charge is also different

Mujahid Ahmed
42 Points
11 years ago

Well, they DON''T. It''s just that during earlier experiments, not much was known about the Nucleus. Hence, what the experimenters thought was proton''s e/m, it was actually not that. Let me explain.

When H2 was used, the smallest e/m detected was that of the proton with charge +1.When He gas is used then the ions produced will be He^+and He^2+. The mass-to-charge of the He^+ will be four times greater than the mass-to charge of H^+ produced when hydrogen gas is used. The mass-to-charge of the He^2+ will be twice as great if the ion is detected in the discharge tube. It''s because of neutrons which were not known at that time.


Please Approve if i helped :)

Sukumar Adepu
33 Points
11 years ago

most of a proton''s mass comes from the gluons that bind the constituent quarks together, rather than from the quarks themselves. While gluons are inherently massless, they possess energy— to be more specific, quantum chromodynamics binding energy (QCBE)—and it is this that contributes so greatly to the overall mass of the proton (see mass in special relativity). A proton has a mass of approximately 938 MeV/c2, of which the rest mass of its three valence quarks contributes only about 11 MeV/c2; much of the remainder can be attributed to the gluons'' QCBE

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