
In laboratory after primary amine is treated with chloroform and alc. KOH, obnoxious smelling gas (isocyanide compound) starts evolving, Imediately the solution is dropped and dil. HCl is poured into the test tube to remove the obnoxious smell. Why is dil. HCl used here ?

In laboratory after primary amine is treated with chloroform and alc. KOH, obnoxious smelling gas (isocyanide compound) starts evolving, Imediately the solution is dropped and dil. HCl is poured into the test tube to remove the obnoxious smell. Why is dil. HCl used here ?


1 Answers

Himalaya Pramanick
63 Points
9 years ago
dil HCL reacts with KOH and stops further production of isocyanide.

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