
convert --------- 1.acetaldehyde to acetone 2.acetone to acetaldehyde 3.acetaldehyde to lactic acid 4.acetaldehyde to crotonaldehyde 5.acetic acid to formic acid 6.formic acid to acetic acid 7.acetic acid to acetone 8.acetone to acetic acid 9.acetic acid to methane 10.methane to acetic acid 11.acetic acid to propionic acid 12.methyl chloride to acetic acid

1.acetaldehyde to acetone
2.acetone to acetaldehyde
3.acetaldehyde to lactic acid
4.acetaldehyde to crotonaldehyde
5.acetic acid to formic acid
6.formic acid to acetic acid
7.acetic acid to acetone
8.acetone to acetic acid
9.acetic acid to methane
10.methane to acetic acid
11.acetic acid to propionic acid
12.methyl chloride to acetic acid


2 Answers

Aman Bansal
592 Points
13 years ago

Dear Vikash,

The simplest way would be to make the sodium salt by reacting it with NaOH. Then evaporate it to near dryness and continue heating it with a bunsen burner or similar heat source. The decarboxylation will produce methane. This is hazardous because the methane will catch fire with the flame or any spark so a gas collection apparatus of some sort must be used.

Another method would be to run the electrolysis of the sodium acetate reaction. Methane would be produced at the anode but would be contaminated with CO2 and some ethane. This method is known as the Kolbe electrolysis and is pretty slow.

Best Of luck

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Aman Bansal

Askiitian Expert

goher ali
18 Points
11 years ago

acetic acid to propionic acid conversion

react acetic acid with hydrogen iodide in the presence of phosphorus as a catalyst which will form ethene.bromination of ethene will form ethyl bromide.convert this ethyl bromide to ethyl magnesium bromide which on reaction with carbon dioxide will form propionic acid

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