
respected sir, water shows hydrogen bonding then how is it possible that a solution of water and HCL shows negative deviation from raoults law i.e, the physical force between water and HCL is stronger then physical force between water molecules?? if possible please give a detailed answer. thank you!!

respected sir,

water shows hydrogen bonding then how is it possible that a solution of water and HCL shows negative deviation from raoults law i.e, the physical force between water and HCL is stronger then physical force between water molecules??

if possible please give a detailed answer.

thank you!!


1 Answers

shreyas sv
15 Points
13 years ago

i would like to remind you that Cl atoms in HCl are bigger in size and cannot form hydrogen bonding with water.. therefore HCl in water dissociates to give H+ and Cl- ions. so van't hoff factor i=2 . hence HCl and water interaction is stonger than water-water.

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