
topics which should be prepared in remaining time., that is before mains .

topics which should be prepared in remaining  time., that is before mains .


6 Answers

12 Points
6 years ago
While preparing for the JEE exam it is very important to know the syllabus and exam pattern along with the chapter wise wieghtage.
I think physical and organic chemistry is the easiest in chemistry while some chapters in mathematics are very easy like Algebra.
you can check out the important chapters which carry more wieghtage  in JEE Mains exam. and prepare accordingly.
You must prepare those chapters which required less preparation but are very scoring.
12 Points
6 years ago
I think physical and organic chemistry is the easiest in chemistry while some chapters in mathematics are very easy like Algebra.
you can check out the important chapters which
Rohit Sharma
63 Points
6 years ago
In physics the lessons you should prepare which are easy and scoring as well are;
2-Radioactive decay
3-Current Electricity
In chemistry you should rather focus on Inorganic and organic to get the most out of it,be thorough with the ncert and be good in topics like,
1-Alkyl halides
2-Aromatic Substitution reaction of benzene
4-Chemical equilibrium
5-Chemical Kinetics
In maths you should focus on;
1-Conic section
2-Progression and series
4-Vector algebra
If you are well in the above topics you can definitely score very well.
142 Points
6 years ago
In maths vector ,circles ,diff cal,progression.In physics modern physics, Kinematics,Radioactive,Shm,Thermodynamics and chemistry coordination chemistry, s and p block and mechanism should be well revised . BEST OF LUCK.
46 Points
5 years ago
  1. Don’t keep on studying the whole day.Only look for a few formulas and your self made short notes (specially Inorganic) for 2–3 hours.
  2. Go and Talk to your school or coaching teachers.They know the situation of students and can help you relax and will motivate you.
  3. Don’t set a predefined target like I will attempt atleast 55 questions or such. This leads to unnecessary pressure in exam hall.
  4. Only attempt those ques you are sure of. Make some intelligent guessesbut not wild guesses.
  5. Play any outdoor game of your choice or listen to a motivating song (Avoid Arijit Singh songs please )
  6. Try to sleep before 11 pm and reach the center atleast 1/2 hour before.(I could only sleep for 3 hours in the night and was feeling much sleepy during exam which affected my performance).
  7. Attempt your paper with a moderate speed and keep your calm otherwise you are bound to make silly mistakes.The more you keep calm ,the more you will reach to the depth of your mind.
  8. Don’t panic if paper is somewhat unexpected or difficult.Remember the scoring is always relative and if the paper is difficult for you,so it is for everyone else
Avni Sharma
24 Points
4 years ago
Hi...I was just using askiitians and i saw your question...If you are still reading this is my answer: 
I think you should start solving previous year jee question papers as soon as your preparation is done. This will help you during your last-minute revision. One more suggestion for you buddy. You should see this article i read last night. It is about the JEE Main 2020 paper analysis. It can also help you a lot.

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