
The JEE exam is less than 3 weeks away and I am getting very tensed as i have not prepared properly. Can you please help me in scoring at least 230-280. What are the most helpful topics that I can concentrate on now?

The JEE exam is less than 3 weeks away and I am getting very tensed as i have not prepared properly. Can you please help me in scoring at least 230-280. What are the most helpful topics that I can concentrate on now?

Grade:Upto college level

4 Answers

Sid @ askiitian
44 Points
12 years ago

Dear Shrisha,
The best thing with you now is that, you have nothing to loose.
Time is gone. Everythings bad! Accept it! and motivate yourself. Things can be best for you if you plan your daily study.
Dont go for Marathon study. Understand that time is less, so try to solve past year papers. Get connected with an expert and ank important parts of syllabus.
Getting tensed is a display of being responsible. Calm yourself and take one topic at a time.
All the best!

Sirisha Reddy
14 Points
12 years ago

Lets me put it in a better way.. I am reaaly good at calculus, integration and coordinate geometery. And chemistry is also quite easy for me.. The only problem for me is physics!.. So please help me in physics at least!

Abhishek Choudhary
17 Points
12 years ago

Dear Sirisha,

It is difficult to score dis much in JEE but still u can study some good material. JEE is all about concepts so concentrate well on them try studying only NCERT.
Solve as many sample papers as you can of good publisher, work hard work smart!!!!
All the best!!!!!  

Aman Bansal
592 Points
12 years ago

Dear Sirisha,

Now only revise your topics relax yourself.

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