
When an electromagnetic wave travels from a medium to the other,its wavelength changes but its frequency remains constant. So the energy also changes. If we consider a particular photon,its frequency does not change so its energy should not change as energy = h . Also the wavelength of the photons change in the above conditions,so its energy should change as Energy = hc/ . So what is the reason of this contradiction and what actualy happens?

When an electromagnetic wave travels from a medium to the other,its wavelength changes but its frequency remains constant. So the energy also changes.
If we consider a particular photon,its frequency does not change so its energy should not change as energy = h.
Also the wavelength of the photons change in the above conditions,so its energy should change as Energy = hc/.
So what is the reason of this contradiction and what actualy happens?

Grade:upto college level

1 Answers

shubham sharda
360 Points
9 years ago
When  light travels to different medium its speed and wavelength changes but its energy and wavelength remains the same. E=hv, thus enegy remains constant. For E=hc/lambda, the c and wavelength changes in such proportion so that energy remains constant. Hope it helps.

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