
Q:A body is thrown up in a lift with a velocity ‘ u ’ relative to the lift and the time of flight is t . Show that the lift is moving up with an acceleration (2u-tg)/t . Using the concept the relative motion and eqn. v=u+at , I’ve managed till a= ( u+v -tg)/t but i am not able to conclude how final velocity (i.e., v) before striking the ground equals the initial velocity (u) with which the ball was thrown, since the lift is accelerating upwards (which means that the ball will hit the ground of the lift before aquiring its initial velocity).

Q:A body is thrown up in a lift with a velocity ‘u’ relative to the lift and the time of flight is t. Show that the lift is moving up with an acceleration (2u-tg)/t.
Using the concept the relative motion and eqn. v=u+at, I’ve managed till a= (u+v-tg)/t but i am not able to conclude how final velocity (i.e., v) before striking the ground equals the initial velocity (u) with which the ball was thrown, since the lift is accelerating upwards (which means that the ball will hit the ground of the lift before aquiring its initial velocity).


1 Answers

Arun Kumar IIT Delhi
askIITians Faculty 256 Points
9 years ago

Arun Kumar
IIT Delhi
Askiitians Faculty

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