
Air flows over the top of an airplane wing, area A, with speed v, and past the underside of the wing with speed v u . Show that Bernoulli’s equation predicts that the upward lift force L on the wing will be where p is the density of the air. (Hint: Apply Bernoulli's equation to a streamline passing just over the upper wing surface and to a streamline passing just beneath the lower wing surface. Can you justify setting the constants for the two streamlines equal?)

Air flows over the top of an airplane wing, area A, with speed v, and past the underside of the wing with speed vu. Show that Bernoulli’s equation predicts that the upward lift force L on the wing will be
where p is the density of the air. (Hint: Apply Bernoulli's equation to a streamline passing just over the upper wing surface and to a streamline passing just beneath the lower wing surface. Can you justify setting the constants for the two streamlines equal?)

Grade:upto college level

1 Answers

Deepak Patra
askIITians Faculty 471 Points
8 years ago
The streamlines that flow above and below the wing are nearly equal. The upward lift force is provided due to the increase in the pressure below the wing with respect to the pressure above the wing. The density of the air that flows near the airplane wing remains constant. The area of the wing also remains constant. So, it is justified in setting the constant for the two streamlines equal.

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