
A barometer is constructed with its tube having radius 1.0 mm. Assume that the surface of mercury in the tube is spherical in shape. If the atmospheric pressure is equal to 76 cm of mercury, what will be the height raised in the barometer tube? The contact angle of mercury with glass = 135° and surface tension of mercury = 0.465 N m-1. Density of mercury= 13600 kg m-3.

A barometer is constructed with its tube having radius 1.0 mm. Assume that the surface of mercury in the tube is spherical in shape. If the atmospheric pressure is equal to 76 cm of mercury, what will be the height raised in the barometer tube? The contact angle of mercury with glass = 135° and surface tension of mercury = 0.465 N m-1. Density of mercury= 13600 kg m-3.

Grade:upto college level

1 Answers

Aditi Chauhan
askIITians Faculty 396 Points
10 years ago
Sol. h = 2T cos θ/rpg

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