
A 1200-kg car is being towed up an 18° incline by means of a rope attached to the rear of a truck. The rope makes an angle of 27° with the incline. What is the greatest distance that the car can be towed in the first 7.5 s starting from rest if the rope has a breaking strength of 4.6 kN? Ignore all resistive forces on the car. See Fig.

A 1200-kg car is being towed up an 18° incline by means of a rope attached to the rear of a truck. The rope makes an angle of 27° with the incline. What is the greatest distance that the car can be towed in the first 7.5 s starting from rest if the rope has a breaking strength of 4.6 kN? Ignore all resistive forces on the car. See Fig.


1 Answers

Aditi Chauhan
askIITians Faculty 396 Points
9 years ago
Therefore, the distance by which the car can move in 7.5 s is 10.8 m.

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