Flag Mechanics> The 4KN force F is applied at point A . C...
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The 4KN force F is applied at point A . Compute the moment of F about point 0 , expressing it both as a scalar and as a vector quantity.Determine the coordinates of the points on the x and yaxes about which the moment of F is zero.

Dhuor maghot kuek , 3 Years ago
Grade 8
anser 1 Answers
Yuvraj Singh

Last Activity: 3 Years ago

To find the moment of force we have to know three parameters, F, r, and angle between them. to find the r we have two points that passes through moment of arm r. i.e O(0,0) and A(1.2, 1.5) we can find r from formula of distance between two points which gives us 1.92m. Next we have to find the angle between the force and moment of arm r, for this we will use the small triangle given in the graph. using tan of angle to find the angle with x-axis. tan.angle=3/5 = 30.96. now extend the line of force backward and cross the moment of arm r. In clockwise direction from r to F the first angle is 30.96 so subtract this from 180 we get 149 degree. now put the data in the equation of moment = 1.92m x 4000x sin149 = 3955 N.m .

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